Saturday, February 13, 2010

Always let down!!!

Life may have weird ways of showing you the mirror.....i thought i am happy in my bubble of a good life....but hey...i walk/stomp thru my expectations each day....hoping against hope and wanting to be happy!! My job sucks....i hav had a rough patch lately...bad...long working days, feeling upset...n cumin back to work back at home....dying to sleep but do not get sleep....i am awake early morning wondering what am i doin n where am i......this was never my plan!!! I just wanted d comforts of love n some security.....but like they say it is ever meant to be....i find myself fighting against time and odds each day....Valentines day it is.....n here i am feelin down under the dumps....can not explain dis feeling of moroseness....n self pity.....

i guess not a day to feel positive.......