Thursday, May 8, 2008

Office blues!

Eeow..i hate to admit it but i am getting really annoyed at work no major work although but so full of shallow feelings...i can not begin to describe how monotonous life feels suddenly....less work, bad pay scales, nagging work surroundings and an even more agonizing personal thought process...what say? It pays to be a part of the big bad world of materialistic wants....u want money you hav to wait...u want love, u have to wait for almost eternity!!! Hey, gimme a break man! Y all dis? Let some good times come my way plssssss


Naiesha said...

As they say, "Pateince is a virtue" :P

Naiesha said...

Oops!! I mean "Patience"...galti se mistake ho gaya....

Sim Talk said...

Hota hai..hota hai :-)